Books I Want To Reread This Year

I’m sure I am not the only one who gets intimidated by the thought of rereading a book. Our tbr is constantly expanding, and it often feels more reasonable to spend the time we have living the stories we have not read before.

But sometimes, you read a book that has a timeless quality to it, one that demands a reread. Sometimes you notice details after a second read which you hadn’t before. So when I realised that I was hesitant to do rereads, I made a deal with myself. I would allow myself to reread up to 5 books every year, and I would count them towards my yearly reads. Even goodreads has (about time as well!) introduced a feature on their site that allows rereads to be counted towards annual reading goals, so there has never been a better time than now to start rereading your favourite books.

When I was looking at my bookshelf, trying to decide which books to read again, I found that although I want to reread many of them, there were only 3 that I specifically wanted to reread this year. I will share these with you now.

  1. The Kite runner by Khaled Hosseini: I read this book over a year ago and it emotionally impacted me in a way only very few books do (it broke my heart a thousand times, was written just so beautifully and was full of heart), and is the one book I recommend to everyone.
  2. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho: This is quite a short book and I remember smiling to myself after finishing it and how much life lessons and beautiful quotes this book has, so I wanted to read it again to soak more of the wisdom from this book.
  3. We were liars by E. Lockhart: I mentioned this book in my post about my favourite books of 2016. I fought the urge (it’s the sort of book you need to go back to again) to immediately reread this book after I finished it (because so many books to read, so little time!) and promised myself that I would reread it during the summer of this year and see just how smart the author was with the mystery they crafted in this book.

I would love to know if there are any books you are planning to reread this year! đŸ™‚


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